Friday 31 May 2013

The Pink Candy Love

This is my maiden attempt in blogging. Please share your views and experience reading my article. Either negative or positive, I am open to reviews. 

    Everyone of us have had a crush long ago, long long ago, in school or college that was unadulterated,  that never made you embarrass,  that never made you regret, that was left untold, that always lingers in your mind,  because you lived only with anxiety of the next sight of the crush and nothing more. And one such thing happened to me too!!
    Don't start yawning, that it is just another 'First Love' blog! This was once a soul stirring, haunting pleasure ride to me. Here goes  "The Pink Candy Love - My first Blog" on the floor.

    Dating back to the '9th std' school days of mine, June/July of 2004, came into me my dream girl, whom I had known from my 4th std. Though she didn't create any impact on me in those days, it was the June/July breeze of '04 that carried her fragrance to me, and immersed me in the pool of 'First Love' and made me go crazy behind the girl for an year.

   I used to go to school by 'School Van' from my UKG till 6th std. And this girl used to come in the same van during that period. And then came my 7th std, I started going to school by 'Auto', and she, the very same dream, came to school by the very same auto. Destined!
Days passed on from 7th to 8th, and then from 8th to 9th. 

   In that mere twenty minute travel in the morning, picking upto 6-7 pupils(ranging from UKG to 10th), I used to sit beside the driver. And the day of the spark came, when the driver came with his friend that morning who by all means had to sit only in the driver seat next to the driver! So what's next ? I am forced to sit at the back. 

  I sat inside the auto, with two others already sitting inside, then we reached the dream angel's house to take her on-board. She came readied, I pushed myself out, she sat inside, I stood outside, and there was very little place left-with. Here comes the heart-pumping moment, as the driver did not allow me to sit beside him on the other side, I had to sit next to her, yeah, very next to her.

   May be this could sound stupid or ridiculous, but that's the moment, when a boy who doesn't move with girls easily, or a boy from boy's school, would definitely repel from taking the seat immediately. And yeah, as you guess, I acted, I sighed, and sat next to her reluctantly. From then on it was just another 15 min journey to the school, but something happened inside. May be the butterflies started flying.

  That day, I was just into class, sessions started soon after, but I was completely lost. Its she, who was in the thoughts, her face which was in the book, her ponds powder fragrance around, and ultimately the ride next to her in my mind. I was completely clueless, having such a weird feeling for the first time in my life.  That was not only weird, but wonderful too! Yeah! I had fallen that day to my first love.

   And then starts my crazy mischiefs of love, right from taking my cycle around her house to get a sight of her everyday after school, for which I hadn't even succeeded once, to writing down my and her name on rough notes to find the results of 'F-L-A-M-E-S'. In-fact I used to adjust her spelling so that I get either 'L' or 'M'. I had even coined her a name, of-course a nick-name, to call her.

  I had hardly spoken to her except few words saying, "Auto Vanthuruchu" in evenings. I had a very similar Lunch-Basket as of hers, and I changed my habit of carrying my school bag onto my left-shoulder to my right-shoulder because of the habit of hers. I tied a black-rope(Hindu religious rope) onto my right hand since she wore one.

  Few months went on in the same routine, and then came the movie called 'Manmadhan', which had a song "Kadhal Valarthen" which I took deeply close to my heart. It made her thoughts linger inside all the time, and I was addicted to the song as well as her. It was the first song, that got memorized so easily. For everyone, there is a song like this, that make them feel, that the song is written and composed for them.

  Months passed by, and let me come to the J-Day, the Judgement Day and the part relevant to the title. It was my birthday. It was a cloudy evening, and I had set the plan to confirm my love. Wait, wait, don't envisage as if I gonna propose, I just gonna confirm to myself that she is mine. 

   Had 7 candies with me(the school-days habit of distributing candies on a birthday) left for my 'Auto-mates' including the girl. Out of the 7, there was one 'Strawberry' candy, yeah, the Pink-Wrapper-Candy or the Pink-Candy, which I personally felt should go to her. 
So my calculation was if she took the Pink-Candy, then 'Man you succeeded in your love'.
So the plan is ready. Now let the auto come. Fate should be confirmed, for which this little lad, and the Pink-Candy were awaiting.

   On that eve, rushed the auto with honking, into that tiny street of my school. So the stage is ready. Lead-Pair arrived. Character artists arrived. Comedy artists arrived. The director as well as the Lead, said to himself, 'Start Camera - Rolling - Action'.

   Came out the small candy box, went to the kid next, kid picked one, thankfully the kid didn't take the pink, went to the little girl next, picked another and not pink, and next and next and next, now 5 of the 7 are done. And still the pink is left. Two more candies for two more inmates inclusive of the dream girl. So that's the moment, that's the verge.

   Prayers were chanted deeply inside, a moment of deep silence inside, and box moves to the d-r-e-a-m  g-i-r-l.  Her right-hand made an arc from its position to reach the box. Her tongue and teeth worked together to wish me 'Happy Birthday'. The fingers, those fingers touched the pink, the pink, yeah the pink one exactly. Not any haste in mind or heart, but even more silence deep deep inside. Whatte relief that was! I succeeded in my plan, and convinced myself that she is mine!

   Soon after 9th std, I chose to go by cycle, but she still by auto, and its almost like I hardly saw her. I had to concentrate on my studies. But still I used to show off my Hercules-RazorBack cycle while I get to cross her. And later it began to ember, because of the circumstantial separation. But I still carry the pleasant warmth of her.

   It could all seem little silly things, but back then, I was very much fervent of these little things. I loved them, and yeah even I love them too! Those days! Precious! Even today, that song is special to me!

   Now coming to the climax, She got married some two years back. And soon, to my dismay, I found her facebook profile recently and saw the profile picture of hers posing with her new-born kid! :P 

  Here ends, the 'Pink-Candy' as well as the 'Kadhal Valarthen' love story. And there are 'Munbe Vaa En Anbe Vaa' and 'Maalai Neram, Mazhai Thoorum Kaalam' love stories to be told. :)




  1. Good one!! expecting a lot from you :p

  2. Flawlessly sculpted.. Reminds me my crushes & tickles my brain to start blogs "Cute Devil", "Milky Bar Choo" & "MV Code".. But mine wud start from 4th grade :P

    1. Super machan :-) Eluthi vidunga :-) waiting!!

  3. good one da .... way of telling your story is very good .....all the best da

  4. I'm no one to comment on your experience as such, since the experience itself is your own. But the way you had conveyed the experience in words, was engrossing. Loved the narration!

    As I was reading the blog, I was imagining the scenes and running them through my mind as though it was a movie that I was watching. I stopped and laughed at times like - when you adjusted the spelling to get L or M, and I kinda slowed down the scenes in my mind as I read the part where the girl was reaching out to the candy box and wishing you!

    Only a good story teller can be an eligible film-maker, a fiction-writer, or a cartoonist or an animator and such. And you are one! This first step proves that. All the best! :)

  5. As a side note, I'm expecting that Mr.Ranjith shares his stories as well. Let's see what all vandavaalams aerify thandavaalams! :D

  6. Really nice one. You have expressed in your own word. I felt like Gautham menon's short story.
